The latest studies indicate that, in Spain, a person suffers from cardiac arrest every 20 minutes. This translates into 46,900 lives lost due to this cause annually. And the data goes further…
Did you know...?
Around 90% of sudden deaths take place in public spaces and at home.
Did you know...?
Around 90% of sudden deaths take place in public spaces and at home.
80% of people who suffer a cardiac arrest do not survive.
Can we improve?
Yes, because 80% of the population recognises that they do not know how to act in the event of a cardiorespiratory arrest.

An early and correct response increases the chances of survival of people who suffer a cardiac arrest. Specifically, different studies show that the use of a Semi-Automatic External Defibrillator (SAD) during the first minutes after a cardiorespiratory arrest increases the chances of survival by between 50% and 60%.
And as if this were not enough… When a person overcomes a stoppage, having carried out the appropriate manoeuvres early helps attain a better quality of life after recovery.
We have three different services. Find out which one best suits your needs and those of your company.

Defibrillator renting and registration.
Certificate of “Cardioprotected Space”.
Equipment Civil Responsibility Insurance and two years warranty.
Surveillance and monitoring 24/7 of the state of the DEA/SAD. Includes replacement service due to breakdown and 24-hour technical service.
Electrode expiration control along with battery maintenance.
If a defibrillator is used to treat a cardiac arrest, the electrodes and batteries will be replaced. In addition, the report to be sent to the Administration will be drawn up and issued.
Compulsory training of the autonomous community and issuance of the accrediting diploma.
Advice through specialised personnel.

Defibrillator available in two modalities: Semi-automatic (SAD) and Automatic (AED).
Personalised advice on the choice of the appropriate defibrillator according to needs.
Includes display case and regulatory signage according to regulations.
Processing of registration in the corresponding Autonomous Community registry.
All models are easy to install.

To provide the necessary knowledge and encourage the correct use of the AED/SAD:
- Initial Training Course for the proper use of the Defibrillator.
- Recycling training on the Defibrillator for personnel who have passed the previous course.
- Personalised additional training in various first aid techniques.
- Includes the issuance of the accrediting diploma.